Dating Secret For Men

  Hello How are you? Today we are talking about “Dating Secret for Men” When it comes to your  troubles  attracting and being with  gorgeous  high-quality women,  I'm  going to let you in on a little secret that not  many men want to talk about. If you're a man who doesn't know how to  attract  women, keep  attractive  women, or be  content  with the  attractive ladies  in your life.  Then you  must immediately  work on your inner  game. Imagine your brain as an information highway, and right now, for whatever reason, your life  has  led you to the belief  that  "I am NOT Worthy." It had  been ingrained  in your life, and you had  unknowingly begun  to  construct  and  allow  others to  construct  more and more "Highways" leading to the  realiasation that  "I am NOT worthy." What if, after reading this, you  discover  you need to  build  a highway  leading  to the cities of "I am WORTHY" and "I  am MORE than


Hello friends,

Now I am sharing another story.This is a small but effective.So without any delay Such story Here is..

    Pranay and his brother were discussed generally.we were sharing our experience with daytime.
Pranay asked him,'How was your day'?
He,'Nothing special as usual'
Pranay:'Did you get a job?'
He: No but I am trying.
Pranay: Ok keep trying.You will get your preference.
He: Hope so (sadly)
       Then Pranay went to my work.Pranay was thinking of his career and decided to help him to find a job for him.Pranay knew that He does not like to be free.He tried to get for job but in vain.He was working as Asst Admin abroad.He came to India for holidays for 6 months.He has a habit to work.After coming to India he becomes lazy and he realizes himself so he prefers to go work.Meanwhile, e meet to accident very badly as a result he missed his opportunity to go America.He blazed with anger.Pranay knew that he was irritated.After few days Pranay asked him about his future planning but he wanted to go America.
Pranay: what will you decide?
He: for what?
Pranay: I am asking about your future planning.
He: Let's see what happen (Negatively)
Pranay: this is not your last chance.You have a lot of chances to go the USA
He: Easier said than done
Pranay: You're Right but Be-Right
He: I don't understand.
Pranay: I mean Do your best attempt so Be-Right Another is BRIGHT.It means Bright up your present by doing something.
He: Ok

          At night he and I went to bed.At morning Pranay got up and prepared well.He was busy with his phone.He told Pranay that he is going to work at a local firm.Pranay thought what was that! he wanted to go abroad and suddenly he pursuit his mind.Pranay was shocking but it was his first step to go Abroad.Now he was thinking vividly. Pranay was thinking that what is wrong with him!

           A few days later He went to a hill station.At there he met his friend of a friend.such friend assured him to join him for any new company.But Pranay did not like it because he was adjusting to his Dream So Pranay personally offended.Fortunately, he got a job as an Accountant. He Did such job for 6 months then he changed his mind and took a break.Again he became jobless
Pranay asked him what is going on your mind?
He: Nothing.
Pranay: Why are you doing so?
He: What are you talking about?
Pranay: I  am talking about your work.What have you decided? tell me.
He: Ok bro just chills.
Pranay: What? you are doing anything and I will keep quiet! How can you said this?.I care for you so I am asking.

Later on, Pranay controlled himself and doubted about his appearance and changed mood quickly. Pranay decided not to interfere with his work. Pranay told himself, 'Let's see'
Pranay busy with my work and he is busy with him
One Day He came to Pranay and said I got my job in the USA.
Pranay(surprised): How Could you do this? How can you Manage it?And why not to disclose to me?
He: Ohh! Take a breath let me talk.You know I went to Hill station.
Pranay: oh yaa!
He: Actually I did not go to Hill-Station but I went to Interview at American Company.
Pranay: Ok
He: They offer me As an Asst Admin in their company with Huge package along with visa for 2 years.
Pranay: What do you think?
He: I think it's a good opportunity so I want to grab it.
Pranay: ok then you think so Go ahead.

This was a little story.In such story, there is a struggle for a job which needs to everyone to survive.It is routine work for somebody who is searching for the job.It is a normal thing but it's not when it becomes your dream. Pranay's brother has the dream to work in the USA and He accomplished it.

  If we think a little deep we will understand that YOU ARE THE CREATOR OF YOUR OWN DESTINY.


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