Dating Secret For Men

  Hello How are you? Today we are talking about “Dating Secret for Men” When it comes to your  troubles  attracting and being with  gorgeous  high-quality women,  I'm  going to let you in on a little secret that not  many men want to talk about. If you're a man who doesn't know how to  attract  women, keep  attractive  women, or be  content  with the  attractive ladies  in your life.  Then you  must immediately  work on your inner  game. Imagine your brain as an information highway, and right now, for whatever reason, your life  has  led you to the belief  that  "I am NOT Worthy." It had  been ingrained  in your life, and you had  unknowingly begun  to  construct  and  allow  others to  construct  more and more "Highways" leading to the  realiasation that  "I am NOT worthy." What if, after reading this, you  discover  you need to  build  a highway  leading  to the cities of "I am WORTHY" and "I  am MORE than

How to know Relationship is Real?

Hello friends,

 We are living in the social media world, there is no guarantee of genuineness.We post something on social media, we can see some fake likes, fake accounts, photoshopped images and many more.We are also known for scams, cyber crimes etc. because of it, we are in danger but we are unknown of that.This is an astonishing thing, Isn't it? No, I am not criticising but we should understand that it is a virtual world but our relationship is not virtual.It has genuineness.We watch that sometimes we are binding in wrong relationship or person.Because of that are we creating problems in our society? We can say in words of The Great Einstein,"I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction.The world will have generations of Idiots".Don't you think that such predicted day will come soon or we can say it has started to come to us?
            Our topic is "How to know Relationship is real?" this is vast and necessity to us.Many relationships are at avere of smashing or some are ruptured.So we would discuss said topic.Let's begin.

We start a relationship by seeing outward personality i.e looks, body, beauty etc.In reality, where the mind is tied to two people there is real relationship started.

commitment:- the Real relationship has a commitment towards each-other.Before starting a relationship we should think about our future i.e Is he/she rights for me? You have an answer to that question.How far you go on?.So that commitment indicates genuineness towards each-other.It can bind to both in a real relationship.Relationship varies by place to place.In previous time there was strong commitment between two people and community.So that their relationship status had long-lasting.Be aware before committing other, because commitment in a relationship is the best part of a relationship.The relationship becomes friendly and free from fear of losing someone.

Honesty:- In the words of Investment Master Warren Buffet,Honesty is a very expensive gift. Don’t expect it from cheap people.” We should loyal to your relationship and partner is unwritten law of relationship that we have to advocate it.There is a little lie,concealment in a relationship.A real relationship has honesty.If your partner tells you or accepts you then this is a real relationship.

Sacrifice:- If you are damn serious about your relationship, all you want to do is adjustments or sacrifices.Sacrifice is real love and real love creates real relationship between both.Sometimes we have to take unwilling decision for sake of partner's happiness.Sacrifice indicates how strong our relationship is.

Helping Hand;- We choose our partner at our choice.We do share everything with our loved one.There is the responsibility of partner that is to keep secrets it.If we are in problems our partners is our helping hand without asking for help.By sharing we are aware of problems of each other so that partner is under obligation to help to his/her partner.If we are in problems we first told to our reliable partner.Your partner is your lifeline also.

Positive Critic:- It is rightly said that,Best critic is your partner.Our partner knows our nature,thoughts,likes and dislikes. So our partner lies best critic.If your partner told your mistakes in positive way and suggest solution he/she is your genuine positive critic.So do not offend if your partner told your mistakes.but such mistakes told you in all alone.

There are some hints to know the real relationship.I tried my best to tell you, How to know Relationship is Real?. I hope you like it.We would discuss remaining hints if you want to...

Thank you.


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